Friday, October 8, 2010

Everyone's a Critic

When it comes to criticism I welcome it as long as it is constructive. There's nothing worse than hearing that someone is dissatisfied with a service or product, but not knowing why. Things can't be fixed if you don't know that its broken.

I pride myself in providing a great service for children. I will always go the extra mile to help a child and please a parent. I wouldn't have been in business for 18 years if I didn't have this philosophy.

I believe there are some people who think by putting their child in a program that their child will be a new and improved child. When their child is not successful all the rationalizations emerge like: "you don't understand my child or he is a boy, he can't help it." I am led to believe that these excuses have created the problem.

Rationalizations do not help children succeed. Blaming others for a child's lack of success in a program does not help the child. What will help is to admit there is a problem and work toward it's resolution.

I will continue to provide excellent programs for children and welcome criticism. Working together with patents to help children succeed.

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